Fixes available for service levels:
2.3 2.2 2.1 1.5G 1.5F

Product Fixes


Release: 2.3

  • Download the 02.03.03 Service Pack (2025-02-17) with fixes pre-applied.


A service pack contains new fixes and all fixes of prior service packs.

2.3.3 2.3.2 2.3.1              
[+] show ALL
Fixes included in the current Service Pack:
Fix Symptom     Issue Date 21CS APAR/PTF  
[+] ZP233161* This zap removes a unused field2025/02/13
[+] ZP233160* Resolve conflict with mapdtp field name2025/02/13
[+] ZP233159* Reduce isblok size2025/02/13
[+] ZP233158* Reduce isblok size2025/02/13
[+] ZP233157* Reduce isblok size.2025/02/13
[+] ZP233156* Debug abend...2025/02/13
[+] ZP233155* Excessive IPT313, IPT314, IPT310, IPT311, IPT234, IPT312 messages2025/02/13
[+] ZP233154* Excessive storage usage2025/02/13
[+] ZP233153* Delete of an event fails and other corrections2025/02/13
[+] ZP233152* Unable to delete an event and other issues2025/02/13
[+] ZP233151* New and changed messages2025/02/13
[+] ZP233150* New and changed messages2025/02/13
[+] ZP233149* Create dataspace of datagrams2025/02/13
[+] ZP233148* Q VERsion for 21C and lock for define event2025/02/13
[+] ZP233147* Correct AUTnnn prefixed messages.2025/01/17
[+] ZP233146* Corrections for external AUTOSEND service.2025/01/17
[+] ZP233145* Correct AUTOSEND and CLIENTDZ messages2025/01/17
[+] ZP233144* Do not allow multiple events for the same Power queue-class2025/02/13
[+] ZP233143* IPI504D TCP/IP connection severed from xx, phasenam Port nnnn RS:WDNOCMRG2025/02/13
[+] ZP233142* Data connection number of send buffers2024/08/30
[+] ZP233141* Added foreign ip address to diagnostic message2024/09/12
[+] ZP233140* Data connection send buffer size2024/08/30
[+] ZP233139* Correct messages and IPN193V ECB in wait state.2024/09/12
[+] ZP233137* New and changed messages2024/09/12
[+] ZP233136* Load and update TCP/IP messages in the Online Messages File2025/02/05
[+] ZP233135* Telnet daemons with POOL=YES not restarting after no free buffer2024/08/30
[+] ZP233134* Error: during PUT, invalid syntax2024/09/12
[+] ZP233133* TLS\SSL explicit mode fails2024/06/06
[+] ZP233132* CCZ601V ERROR DBLKXHSH RC=00000000 DISP=00000BB62024/06/08
[+] ZP233131* Add message skeleton of SSL4032024/06/06
[+] ZP233130* Add member HDTC2IC2.Z header text file to distribution2024/06/06 VA00162/VP00164
[+] ZP233129* Abend in message driver subtask2024/06/06
[+] ZP233128* OPENSSL fails2024/06/06
[+] ZP233127* Correct storage subpool2024/06/06
[+] ZP233126* Unnecessary LOCKMGR calls2024/06/06
[+] ZP233125* FTPBATCH SET IGNORERR fails2024/04/08 VA00150/VP00159
[+] ZP233124* New and changed messages2024/06/06
[+] ZP233123* Added new events for LISTENFAIL2024/06/08
[+] ZP233122* *Internal and *Internal001 routing ids and values modified2024/03/06 VA00142/VP00157
[+] ZP233121* SSL117D IPCRSINI failed reason=SINIBSVX with OPENSSL2024/04/25
[+] ZP233120* SSL117D IPCRSINI failed reason=SINIBSVX with OPENSSL2024/04/25
[+] ZP233119* Correction for PORT with LSITE NAT ON2024/03/04 VA00155/VP00158
[+] ZP233118* PASV command 227 reply IP address is incorrect2024/03/05 VA00155/VP00158
[+] ZP233117* PORT command using incorrect IP address from 227 reply2024/03/04 VA00155/VP00158
[+] ZP233116* New and changed messages2024/03/04 VA00145/VP00151
[+] ZP233115* Display all Firewall Blocked ipaddresses and allow modify route for "internal" routes2024/03/06 VA00142/VP00157
[+] ZP233114* Addeed diagnostic message TEL940D2024/02/08 VA00154/VP00156
[+] ZP233113* Abend during startup with multiple INCLUDEs with DELAY2024/02/08 VA00169/VP00170
[+] ZP233112* SITE NAT ON fails2024/02/06 VA00153/VP00155
[+] ZP233111* IESVCSRV listen fails2024/02/06 VA00152/VP00154
[+] ZP233110* SSL/TLS fail without certificate files2024/02/06 VA00151/VP00153
[+] ZP233109* SSL/TLS fail without certificate files2024/02/06 VA00151/VP00153
[+] ZP233108* New and changed messages2024/02/08
[+] ZP233107* IPT310S No ACK to SYN-ACK too many times(n)2024/03/11 VA00168/VP00171
[+] ZP233106* Abend during start up with include delay2024/02/08 VA00169/VP00170

Release 2.3.3:

Fixes included in the 02.03.03 (2023/12/19) Initial Installation:
Fix Symptom     Issue Date 21CS APAR/PTF  
[+] ZP232105* Critical messages like IPN594C scroll2023/12/01 VA00133/VP00126
[+] ZP232104* Add and modify messages.2023/11/27 VA00133/VP00126
[+] ZP232103* Long wait after failed AutoFTP and invalid SETVAR2023/11/27 VA00133/VP00126
[+] ZP232102* Add new message2023/11/09 VA00133/VP00126
[+] ZP232101* SeeVSE fails to start on VSEn2023/11/09 VA00133/VP00126
[+] ZP232100* SeeVSE fails to start on VSEn2023/11/09 VA00133/VP00126
[+] ZP232099* FTP900 node name was inconsistent.2023/11/03 VA00122/VP00114,
[+] ZP232098* Rename with long file name fails2023/11/03 VA00131/VP00124,
[+] ZP232097* Rename with long file name variables fails2023/11/09 VA00131/VP00124,
[+] ZP232096* Allow PRTYSHARE for CMD and MSG and enhance ACCESS PREVENT2023/11/03 VA00133/VP00126
[+] ZP232095* Allow priority sharing weights for command and message subtasks2023/11/03 VA00133/VP00126
[+] ZP232094* Add and modify messages.2023/11/03 VA00123/VP00116,
[+] ZP232093* Add PRTYSHARE weighting for command and msg subtasks2023/11/03 VA00133/VP00126
[+] ZP232092* PRTYSHARE ON and SYSIPT input2023/11/03 VA00133/VP00126
[+] ZP232091* Q TNPORTSTAT and Q TELNET active counts are incorrect2023/11/03 VA00133/VP00126
[+] ZP232090* Add IPT310 message2023/09/06 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232089* Listenfail applpost=on/off not accepted2023/09/06 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232088* Add taskid to messages2023/08/30 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232087* Add taskid to messages2023/08/30 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232086* Add taskid to messages2023/08/30 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232085* Correction for diag hashing2023/08/31 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232084* Increase size of FIREWALL blocked IP addresses2023/08/30 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232083* Increase size of FIREWALL blocked IP addresses2023/09/06 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232082* Remove zap 0522023/08/30 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232081* Remove zap 0582023/08/30 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232080* Remove zap 0592023/08/30 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232079* Remove zap 0632023/08/30 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232078* ABEND during shutdown2023/08/31 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232077* Certificate with a RSA-384 bit signature fails2023/08/30 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232076* Listen connection fails during TCP handshake2023/09/06 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232075* FTPBATCH using SSL on the local data connection2023/09/08 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232074* LDIR and LNLST using SSL on the local data connection2023/08/30 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232073* Remove lockmgr calls2023/08/30 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232072* Default to no TLS/SSL on local connections with FTPBATCH2023/09/06 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232071* Hardwait if bad product code2023/08/04 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232070* IPN418 messages issued without DIAG=LOCK2023/05/12 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232069* IPN418D CCBLOK locked by DRIVER IPNUIUDPHEAD2023/05/06 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232068* IPN418D TKBLOK locked by IPNET SHUTDOWN2023/05/02 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232067* During startup IPN166V Application Program Abend2023/05/02 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232066* PING output does not display on console2023/04/24 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232065* Correct alignment for convert to binary2023/04/24 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232064* Improve performance by removing bottlenecks2023/04/24 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232063* Improve performance by removing bottlenecks2023/04/24 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232062* Improve performance by removing bottlenecks2023/04/24 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232061* Improve performance by removing bottlenecks2023/04/24 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232060* Improve performance by removing bottlenecks2023/04/24 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232059* Improve performance by removing bottlenecks2023/04/24 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232058* Improve performance by removing bottlenecks2023/04/24 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232057* Improve performance by removing bottlenecks2023/04/24 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232056* FTP949 message contain loop back ip address2023/04/13 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232055* IP address in 227 reply message contain loop back addrress2023/04/13 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232054* Dash as last character in password fails2023/04/13 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232053* GET and PUT of a text file fails to match2023/04/13 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232052* Excessive IBBLOK internal locks2023/04/13 VA00112/VP00068
[+] ZP232051* FTPBATCH SET RETRY fails2023/04/13 VA00112/VP00068

Release 2.3.2:

Fixes included in the 02.03.02 (2023/03/20) Initial Installation:
Fix Symptom     Issue Date 21CS APAR/PTF  
[+] ZP231050* New phase for AUTOSEND2023/03/08 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231049* Q STORage rounding error2023/03/09 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231048* Abend during heavy load2023/03/09 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231047* Abend during XMOVE2023/03/08 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231046* Excessive TCP932 messages.2023/03/08 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231045* IPN166E Application Program Abend at 8000019C2023/03/09 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231044* IPN166E Application Program Abend at 8000019C2023/03/09 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231043* IPN155W CCBLOK lock held at dispatch.2023/03/09 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231042* Correct for hung tasks and duplicate sends2023/03/08 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231041* Missing messages for AUTOSEND2023/03/09 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231040* Incorrect diagnostic messages2023/03/08 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231039* This adds new events for RAPTRAC in CLIENTD2023/03/08 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231038* IPA412D FTP diagnostic RDATSRED RC=FFFFF4492023/02/08 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231037* IPA702W Product code check for 116 failed2023/02/14 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231036* FTP906D FTP server diagnostic: FINTNCIP2023/02/08 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231035* Abend when EXENUTE issued with invalid memname.memtype2023/02/08 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231034* Remove locks and use job number table2023/02/15 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231033* Add TCP939, TCP940, TCP941 for automation zap2023/02/08 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231032* IPA412D FTP diagnostic RDATSRED RC=FFFFF449 Invalid parameter list passed to IJBHCDRV2023/02/08 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231031* Excessive lock conflicts for the CCBLOK resource2023/02/14 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231030* Missing messages for AUTOSEND2023/01/11 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231029* Excessive lock conflicts for the CCBLOK resource2023/01/11 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231028* SSL303M IPDSCRFI failed RC=00000008(LIBROPIF)2023/01/11 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231027* Excessive lock conflicts for the CCBLOK resource2023/01/11 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231026* Excessive lock conflicts for the CCBLOK resource2023/01/11 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231025* Excessive lock conflicts for the CCBLOK resource2023/01/11 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231024* TCP936 message is missing the failed lock return code2023/01/11 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231023* TCP936W Undefined2023/01/11 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231022* IPN155W CCBLOK lock held at dispatch. Id: IPNTYTCPWAITQUE2023/01/11 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231021* Messages not suppressed from the console2023/01/11 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231020* IBM datagram trace convertor fails2022/09/29 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231019* OPENSSL fails during FTP store file2022/09/29 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231018* OPENSSL fails during STOR2022/10/03 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231017* Define HTTPD with SSL=YES fails2022/09/29 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231016* Events processed twice for a single Power LST entry2022/09/29 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231015* Lock manager not displayed in Q VERS2022/09/14 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231014* Incorrect default ciper suite2022/06/07 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231013* FTP136 contains invalid password2022/06/07 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231012* FTP136 contains invalid password2022/06/07 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231011* FTP136 contains invalid password2022/06/07 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231010* Handle not freed2022/06/07 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231009* FTP938W PAWA data connection open to F:,0 L:,0 failed2022/04/13 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231008* Error: during GET, invalid syntax2022/09/28 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231007* Checking wrong sdump flag2022/06/07 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231006* Corrupted handle chain2022/06/07 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231005* MGET fails using wrong NLST2022/03/17 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231004* Add SITE PULSE ON/OFF command2022/03/17 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231003* FTP906D FTP server diagnostic: SVGBRCVF2022/02/23 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231002* New SETVAR for upper and mixed case2022/02/23 VA00068/VP00068
[+] ZP231001* Distribution is missing CIALEXIT.Z sample2022/02/17 VA00068/VP00068

Release 2.3.1:

02.03.01 (2022/02/11) Initial Installation:

This page and all materials residing on this site Copyright 1996, 2024 by CSI International. You may read, download, and copy these materials only for the purpose of evaluating or publicizing CSI International, its services and products or in accordance with a license agreement with CSI International.
